Thursday, December 15, 2005

My professor in Info Tech Marketing has both me and my classmates running a little experiment. This experiment involves including key words in your blog/website in order to have your website or blog show up when these key words are searched in Google, Yahoo, and other various search engines. The first is a the word nworbxela. If one were to search this word, you can plainly see that the members of my class have made this apart of each of their blogs. Outdoor trampolines chester is the other phrase that we are including in our blogs. This brings up KidsCorner which will be pageranked higher the more blogs that include this phrase along with the name of the site.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tell me a bit more about Newark, Delaware

Check it out on Wikipedia

Shaggy's on Main

Shaggy's on Main may be trying to take over the tradition of the Balloon's mug night. Shaggy's now offers white mugs with their logo in blue on the side. Wednesday seems to be the night that the mugs are used. Check out the difference between all the mugs offered currently on Main Street (picture below).
The food at Shaggy's is also noteworthy. The appetizers are extremely good. The Calypso Grilled Chicken Quesadilla and the Artichoke and Spinach Dip are quite tempting anytime you go in.
Check out Shaggy's online

We've got a bit of an experiment going on for the test word nworbxela. See how many results we can get in google.